Welcome to General Aviation at CFB Greenwood

FYI: Annual Air Weapons Safety Brief

Here is a document that will give you an idea of what dangerous materials are stored and used at CFB Greenwood 14 Wing. The definition of Air Weapon will give you some idea of what is in the document.

Air Weapons Safety Brief  (88 p,  3.5 Mb pdf)

 Air Weapon ·Any ammunition, explosives and/or pyrotechnics suspended, Iaunched, released or fired from an aircraft. It includes any aircraft store that interfaces with the Air Weapons System, e.g., bombs, missiles, torpedoes, flares, pyrotechnics, guns, Survival Kit Air Droppable (SKAD, excluding survival kits as cargo), chaff and flare, external fuel tanks, sonobuoys, airborne targets/banners etc. This shall apply to both Iive and training weapons;

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